New Hope Brisbane

Verena Adrian’s story

Is Jesus real? Often people think Jesus is not real, because they cannot see him and want evidence “that proves” that he is. In fact, the question “Is Jesus real?” touches most people, I think.

Do you know that it actually is a privilege to think about Jesus?

When I grew up in former East Germany, we simply didn’t. Religion in my family was a taboo, called old fashioned and overcome by a supposedly better way of life: Communism!

Although I never really knew about Jesus, I still remember that as a small child, I talked to God, before I went to sleep at night. I was drawn to the many crosses, I found in the Czechoslovakian countryside during holidays. Yet, I had no idea why and my family simply seemed amused by it.

It took many years until I found out how real Jesus is, but this was the beginning.

Many years later after I had stepped out of a promising career and left my home country for the land of my dreams – Australia- things suddenly went wrong; or should I say that finally they went right? You know, when I thought, I was the maker of my own destiny, I was right. I now faced the consequences of my own choices!

Nevertheless, something amazing happened one night. Something, which had never happened in my life before: I cried out to God to help me!

Don’t you think that is quite amazing for someone, who never knew that Jesus is real? See, God patiently waited for me all these years. I had to come to the end of me, so that I was able to see & receive the amazing things he had prepared for me all along, until I could see that Jesus his Son gave his life to save me (us). God never reveals the precious things he has in store for us, until we are ready to believe him.

“I was blind, but now I see” that old hymn goes. Until that day, when Jesus answered me in the midst of my despair, I could not see that he is real. Yet, when I called for help, he answered me. He showed me the life I never could have dreamed of. His help is so practical and goes beyond anything I could have imagined when living my old life.

Friend, the choice is yours. If you want to know if Jesus is real, all you have to do is to call and believe that he can save you. Jesus says that those who seek him will find him. This is his promise to you and me, a promise I certainly have seen fulfilled in my life.

What do you want to do about it?