New Hope Brisbane

Stand in the Gap

God always has a plan of salvation, he always offers a way out. Just like Adam and Eve had a choice to eat the fruit or not, like Noah had a way out from destruction, Ninevah had a chance to repent, Sodom and Gomorrah just needed a righteous remnant to be saved, yet not enough were found.

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You Have a Platform

I wonder if we surveyed modern church goers, and how many believers have actually raised their hands, or fallen on their knees, and faceplanted before God? Many church goers are too numb, or conservative or self-conscious to be so outlandish before the Lord. Should we be more like David and dance and be even more undignified than this?

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The Good Seed

I love it how Jesus knows all the Old testament scriptures, he could have quoted verses and passages just like the Pharisees, and could’ve looked like the top scholar, speaking from an ivory tower of academia. But he uses parables and stories to communicate the truth. He knows that stories can cut through and reach people.

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