New Hope Brisbane

The Good Seed

“But the seed in the good earth—these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest. Luke 8:15

I love it how Jesus knows all the Old testament scriptures, he could have quoted verses and passages just like the Pharisees, and could’ve looked like the top scholar, speaking from an ivory tower of academia. But he uses parables and stories to communicate the truth. He knows that stories can cut through and reach people.

He says “This story is about how the seed is the Word of God. Some people hear it and the Devil snatches it from them so they won’t believe and be saved. Some hear with enthusiasm, but the enthusiasm doesn’t go very deep. It’s only another fad, and the moment there’s trouble it’s gone. Some people hear, but then the seed is crowded out and nothing comes of it as they go about their lives worrying about tomorrow, making money, and having fun. But the seed in the good earth—these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest. Luke 8:15 (paraphrased)

This is a pretty good 4 point sermon. Some people backslide straight away. Some backslide when trouble comes, some go about their lives worrying about tomorrow, making money, and having fun and then backslide. And some put Christ first no matter what. And no matter the circumstances that surround us, our hearts are right before God.

It all comes back to our hearts. Who do we place first in our heart? Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” So we all start with hearts full of Sin, but Jesus is the ultimate heart surgeon, he takes out our heart of stone and puts in a heart of flesh. But then it’s up to us to stand on the Rock. To say, Lord you are number 1, no matter what storms come my way.

The Bible also warns us to Guard our heart. So many things are vying for our attention, and wanting to take up residence in our heart. But Jesus says, the ones with good-hearts, who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, stick with it until there’s a harvest. That’s the bunch I choose to be in!

Lord, Help me guard my heart. Even when my heart is torn, I will trust you Lord! Help me stand firm and guard my heart for all of my days. In Jesus Name, Amen.