Moses said to the LORD, “May the LORD, the God of the spirits of all mankind, appoint a man over this community to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the LORD’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.” Numbers 27:15-17
I have had many shepherds in my life, some wonderful, caring men of God, and others who have used the rod and the staff in a damaging way. God still raises up Shepherds to lead his people today, just as he did with Moses and Joshua. (I find it interesting that we felt God wanted us to join New Hope Brisbane, just after our Joshua was born.)
I have always loved my shepherds, I have always been hungry to learn from them, I’ve always wanted to hang around shepherds. I have always thought that God was training me and will always be training me to be a shepherd. What a blessing to have 2 of our shepherds visiting us in 2 weeks, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro and Pastor Phil Mcallum. These men love us dearly and care for us, as good shepherds should.
I love the John Maxwell principle, “The Law of the Lid.” He says that any organization, won’t grow beyond it’s leader. It will hit a lid. That’s why leaders need to always grow. We need to be committed to growing, to learning, to being teachable and like a sponge. As Numbers says, Shepherds need “to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in.” We want to be out ahead of the people, but not too far that we lose sight of them, or not lost among them so they can’t see which way to go.
Lord, Thankyou for the many good shepherds you have blessed me with. Anoint me to be the shepherd you’ve called me to be. Teach me what I need to learn in this season, give me your wisdom to lead. Amen.