New Hope Brisbane

Ps Matt Prater Daniel 11

Ps Matt continued our series on the Book of Daniel, As an 18 year old Youth Pastor I heard a sermon on cassette tape based on a verse from Daniel 11:32, which says “But the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” That message changed my life! I heard about The Prophet Daniel & his boldness, his wisdom, his influence & how he was beloved of God. This verse is a mission statement for all of us. It’s about Knowing God & doing exploits for Him! Exploits are rare & daring feats! God is raising up a Daniel Generation! And despite the circumstances surrounding us in the world, we are called to a relationship with God & to fulfill our assignment on the earth. There are some incredibly accurate prophecies in Daniel 11 about the last days that we will walk through this week, so have your Bibles ready!