1 Samuel 10:5-7 As you approach the town, you will meet a procession of prophets coming down from the high place with lyres, tambourines, flutes and harps being played before them, and they will be prophesying. The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.
Prayer meetings and worship gatherings are so different all over the world. Some are very quiet and reverent, there are long pauses between prayers, and words are very carefully chosen, and are sometimes spoken in a monotone. Other meetings are like a zoo, all sorts of prayers and clapping and shouting and shaking of fists. Like in Acts when it says they all raised there voices to God together in prayer. I once saw some Papua New Gunieans at the Baptist church in Coffs pray like this. Their pastor preached and then they all stood up and faced the church and prayed over the church together. It was awesome! They had such passion and fervor as they prayed.
More than anything. I know that God looks at the heart. No matter what your style of prayer, he weighs the condition of your heart when you pray. We need to ask ourselves the questions: Do we pray when others are not around, or do we only pray in a group prayer meeting? Do we sometimes pray a prayer that just sounds good to the people around us, or are we praying through what the Lord has put on our hearts?
I love this section of scripture with Saul, it says in verse 9, that God changed Saul’s heart. He was changed into a different person. How could you not be changed when you are hanging around prophets who are worshiping and prophesying and the Spirit is moving in power?
I love the Sunday morning prayer meeting before the service, I’d love to have more planned prayer meetings, but I also would love to see more spontaneous prayer meetings!!! We need to have passionate pray-ers at New Hope Brisbane. People who will intercede against the attacks of the Evil One. We will probably get to heaven one day and find out that our prayers effected things so much more than our programs, and our services and our meetings. It is only the Holy Spirit who saves people and Jesus said, “How much more will I give the Spirit to those that ask…”
Lord. We ask for more of your Holy Spirit, more of your Power. Let there be more salvations, more healing, more joy in the hearts of the people. Let there be more pray-ers and intercessors, and more workers for the Harvest field. Lord, keep changing our hearts!!! In Jesus name Amen.