Yes Attack
I would much rather spend time with a lost person sharing the gospel, or discipling a new Christian than anything else. That’s the way I fight against the darkness.
I would much rather spend time with a lost person sharing the gospel, or discipling a new Christian than anything else. That’s the way I fight against the darkness.
I’ve heard the story of Christ’s crucifixion so many times. I’ve preached on it, studied it and seen it dramatized. I’ve even seen the movie! I have to be careful never to become numb to the significance of this day. This moment that split time in half.
A survey from John Mark Ministries in OZ, showed that there are over 14,000 ex pastors, and only 14,000 pastors in ministry. 70% of ex-pastors don’t attend church! Another survey showed that 95% of pastors who had fallen, said they had stopped daily devotions.