Join us for one of our Sunday services across Brisbane — a place where everyone is welcome, whether you’re exploring the Christian faith for the first time, have grown up in church, or find yourself somewhere in between.
Our services include uplifting praise and worship, a practical, Bible-based message, and the opportunity to connect with others over a cuppa and a friendly chat.
For families with children, we invite you to our Family Service at 2pm in Alderley. This service offers a fun and engaging Kids Church program for children from Prep to Grade 7.
Here’s where you can find us on Sundays:
- 9:30am — Ashgrove Hub, 22 Ashgrove Avenue
- 10:00am — Wavell Heights, The Wavell Heights Community Hall (Lower Level), 76 Cressey St
- 2:00pm Family Service — 81 Mina Parade, Alderley
Whether you’re coming alone or bringing friends and family, you’ll find a warm, welcoming community ready to embrace you.
We also have a Wednesday night at 7pm held at the Ashgrove Hub, and a community lunch called The Kings Tables every Friday from 10.30am-1pm.
We have car parking on site and bus and train stops right outside our building.