New Hope Brisbane

Apokalypsis Part 3- Pastor David Parr

In this podcast our Associate Pastor David Parr will be speaking on, “A Heavenly Vision,” from chapters 4 & 5.

There is a story about a mother who noticed that her six-year-old son was deeply engrossed in trying to draw and colour an elaborate picture. “What are you drawing, dear?” she asked. “I’m drawing a picture of God,” he answered. “That’s very nice, dear,” she said, “but you know, no one really knows what God looks like.” “They will now!” was the triumphant reply!

Steve Wilmhurst says, “In these chapters of Revelation, John starts out with characteristically Jewish restraint in describing the one seated on the throne in his vision. Yet as the plot of his vision unfolds, the scene unfolds in a way that must have been truly disturbing to any Jewish reader–with the worship of an animal, a Lamb, as God!”