New Hope Care aims to meet the needs of those in Brisbane who require relief from poverty, addiction, grief and distress, as well as loneliness and mental health challenges.
We are committed to and passionate about giving these people hope and a future through a focused strategy to help them overcome their circumstances and re-establish themselves.
New Hope Care also partners with Reto to Hope Australia, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre that supports people with addiction problems and at risk of marginalisation.
If you would like to donate to the New Hope Care gift fund you can do so via direct deposit:
New Hope Care- Tax Deductible
BSB: 014 002
Account Number: 530 116 932
If you require a receipt please contact us via email on newhopecare@newhopebrisbane.org with your name, address, donation amount and donation date. Thank you!
Come and join the New Hope Care Team
Why not add doing something positive for your local community and become a volunteer with us? If you are already helping us, why not try out a new area of support? Don’t forget to encourage your family and friends to volunteer too – it is good for one’s heart!
We are looking for volunteers to help in the following areas:
- Kings Table Community Lunch Kitchen Team
- Op Shop
- Fundraising Barbeques
- Transport Support
Contact us on 07 3839 2312 today to find out more!
Kay & Les have been serving at the Kings table for 4 years now! They came as guests on our first ever Soup Kitchen & have been coming ever since! They were living in one of the local hostels, and have enjoyed serving in a number of areas. They now co-ordinate our clothing shop for the guests & have joined in the CAP money (budgeting) course & our men’s & women’s groups.
Beau has been coming for 2 years to the Kings table Soup Kitchen. He was staying at a homeless shelter previously & has a past which includes abuse, violence & addiction. He came for several weeks and was loud & disruptive, like a powder keg about to explode. One day he decided to turn from his old life & make a new start. He asked for some prayer from our team, & he wept like a baby. We noticed the change instantly. He softened, and a peace came over him. He’s now been serving as a waiter for over 18 months, and he’s recently joined our music team playing percussion. He’s had a couple of consistent jobs recently but is looking for something more long-term. Beau calls New Hope his family. And you rarely see him without a smile on his face. He’s on a journey like we all are, and he’s definitely heading in the right direction!
Call us on 07 3839 2312
Email on newhopecare@newhopebrisbane.org
Visit our website at www.newhopecare.org.au