New Hope Brisbane

Every Wednesday Night during the term time we run EQUIP.  This is an area that New Hope Church has a great heart for, to discipleship people, equipping them to function in their spiritual gifts and the supernatural power of God with the Word of God.  Over the course of the year different studies take place amongst these groups, and they will occasionally join together for specific studies. Special events for the church may also fall on Wednesday nights, where there may a be a guest speaker, worship leader or mission team. For more information, please contact our admin team on  07 3839 2312 or email


Our Wednesday Night Discipleship nights are now called EQUIP.  EQUIP will run during term times and each term there will be a number of courses for the church body to be equipped in.

The second term starts on April 24th 2019 at New Hope Church Brisbane, and will see two courses operating called:

GROW- Getting your foundation right to grow
FREEDOM- Discovering new heights and depths in Christ.

We encourage every person at New Hope to embark on this journey with us and to attend EQUIP, as we fulfill the bible encouragement to ‘meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.’ Hebrews 10:25

It will be essential to register for these courses, which you can do by either emailing, or completing the registration form in the bulletin and handing into the Welcome Desk on a Sunday.