The New Hope Men’s Group exists to:
- Build men who are happier, more balanced, stronger and peaceful
- Be a place where new men to the church can find mates and get to know more about Jesus and the church
Our values:
- Every man has value – in our eyes and those of God; ‘Every man’s a champion’
- Honesty – be real about yourself, be prepared to challenge a mate who is doing something wrong (‘as iron sharpens iron’)
- Authentic manhood from a biblical perspective – God is our father who loves us and Jesus is the ideal role model for manhood
- Mateship – we will be there for each other, especially when things get rough
- Ethical – we don’t speak or act violently with women, children or each other
- Broadly based – where men of all ages, origins, backgrounds and at whatever stage in their ‘walk’ learn from each other.
We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month, 7pm
CONTACT US for more info.